Janet’s Plan-its 2017 Quick and Easy Astrology Calendar ebooks

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Jupiter with auroras at its pole graces the cover of Janet's Plan-its 2017.

Jupiter with auroras at its pole graces the cover of Janet’s Plan-its 2017.

The digital version of Janet’s Plan-its 2017 Quick and Easy Astrology Calendar by Janet Booth is available for purchase and instant download at this website. Click HERE to see a PDF of pages excerpted from the ebook. (The ebook is an abbreviated version of the paperback Janet’s Plan-its Celestial Planner 2017 Astrology Calendar.)

Your purchase will go through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account, nor do you need to set up an Astrology Book Club account. If you are asked to enter a password to expedite future orders, that’s optional and could sidetrack you from your download. Click on the version you want below and follow through the sales process step by step. After your payment is complete, click “Return to Merchant” for the download. A message advises “This is a non-secure form.” Don’t worry! This just means there is no license key required to open the file. It is perfectly safe to download and rest assured your encrypted payment went through securely. Choose “Send” and you will see a Purchase Confirmation. Scroll down to the blue underlined book title. That is the link to download the ebook. The download will go into your computer or device in the default area for any type of download you do. From there, you should save it where you like to keep your ebooks.

All digital versions of the calendar cost $9.98 (US).  A  1% tax is added for downloads to Connecticut customers only (although it may appear initially for out-of-state sales until PayPal sees your address).

There are two ebook options:

Kindle format (NOTE: Many e-reader devices can read Kindle books by downloading a Kindle app.)

“epub” version for other e-reader devices (including i-products)

After downloading, come visit AstrologyBooth.com to read, study, shop or sign up to follow Janet’s blogs, including a free morning email with the Janet’s Plan-its daily rating and message. Gift certificates  for readings are available!

NOTE: a paperback version of Janet’s Plan-its (with additional features) is available, priced at $18.98 (US). It can be ordered at the main AstrologyBooth.com site. (This Astrology Book Club page is only for the digital downloads.)

All calendars include a coupon code for $25 off any service from Janet (products excluded). One per customer. Expires 12/31/17.

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1 Response to Janet’s Plan-its 2017 Quick and Easy Astrology Calendar ebooks

  1. Tiffany MacFerrin says:

    Janet, I am so grateful for your hard work and dedication. It’s been over 15 years that I have relied on your insights for scheduling important days, or just understand ‘what the heck is going on!’ when it seems like everyone is upset or everything is haywire. Thank you for the gift of sanity and understanding!


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